A comprehensive Metro for Marseille, France, which only exists in a parallel universe.
Scroll down for maps of actual things…
Streamlined geography
Much of my design experience has involved drawing maps. You can get Google maps on your phone, but a tailored route map of your particular journey simplifies the geography, distills the information, and instils confidence in stepping into the unknown. The style of many of the maps shown here is a hybrid of streamlined geography; not as abstract as Metro-style maps, nor as complicated as maps which accurately display every nook & cranny. But I also have plenty of experience drawing network diagrams and close-up details.
Projects involve
Strategy for representing complicated information in a legible, useful style
Quality control with updates and maintenance as networks change over time
Intricate knowledge of Illustrator
Guide to night buses in Reading, aimed at a student audience
Guide to a neighbourhood detail in Cardiff, showing more information than on the network map
Trentbarton in Nottingham, UK, run a “Rainbow” branded small network of routes along a major corridor. Here is the network diagram as it appears on the bus, and the slightly more detailed version from the leaflet.
The emphasis here is to show which places are served by each colour of route so people can easily identify which bus they need out of Nottingham.
West Midlands Trains
Rail network maps that appear online, in print, and on-board trains. These are network diagrams that require no geographical context, because train travel is more of a point-to-point journey than bus travel, which may involve more options and opportunities to get on or off at different places.
This is a network map for the Go-Ahead Group’s routes in Greater Manchester. It’s a very simplified representation of the entire city, showing predominantly main roads and straightening them for simplicity.
Here is a close-up of Stagecoach’s network of bus routes in rural Oxfordshire. The emphasis here is to show more of the geography, so locals can understand where their bus goes, while keeping it simple enough for strangers to quickly see where they can go from Oxford by bus.
Real estate maps & floorplans
As the child of an architect I grew up with architectural floorpans in the house. So when I worked for an agency specialising in real estate it was a seamless fit for me to start illustrating the brochures with floorplans.
Cardiff Bus Christmas card
Non-official bus map of Casablanca